
MANVILLE: Pierrot, Furka named MHS scholar athletes

Seniors enjoy special night

by Mary Ellen Zangara, Correspondent
   Manville High School senior athletes Daniel Pierrot and Amanda Furka were selected as this year’s scholar athletes. The pair was among the 32 honored at the 26th annual Somerset County Scholar Athlete Awards Dinner, held May 13 at the Doubletree Hotel in Somerset.
   The dinner, sponsored by the Somerset County High School Principals’ Association, is held each year to honor and acknowledge the male and female athletes from each of the 16 county high schools. The dinner began in 1984 as an opportunity to showcase the talent of these athletes with their academic and athletic accomplishments.
   Students were announced by high school as they entered the room and were seated at the head tables in front.
   Dr. James C. Riccobono, the president of the association, began with a greeting to the honored athletes, parents, teachers, administrators and coaches in attendance.
   ”This is the highlight of our year. Each year we look forward to this. Tonight we’ll see what is good and right about these people. You will be amazed at the credits that these young people have presented to us,” he said.
   Sister Regina Havens from Immaculata High School gave the invocation, which was then followed by dinner.
   After dinner, Dr. Thomas DiGanci, chairperson from Watchung Hills Regional High School, read their biographies as the students re-entered the ballroom with a spotlight on them as their senior photo appeared on the big screen. Manville High principal Donald Woodring presented each of them with their award, a bowl trophy and a framed photo certificate.
   Daniel is the son of Terrylyn and Marty Pierrot and has received nine varsity letters during his years at Manville High School. He participated in soccer, basketball and track. He has been in the National Honor Society for two years and the yearbook club for one year. He was the captain of the basketball and track and field teams.
   ”Getting chosen to be scholar athlete is a great honor. My hard work has been noticed and I am very proud to be honored with the title of scholar athlete. It’s a great accomplishment for me and it makes me feel very good about my efforts on and off of the field/court,” Pierrot said.
   Pierrot wasn’t sure if he even had a chance to receive this honor from his school.
   ”I figured I had a chance with my nine varsity letters but I wasn’t completely sure,” he said. “I honestly learned how to work hard. When I first came into high school I was fine with getting Bs in classes and coasting through sports. But then reality hit me and I realized what great things I could accomplish if I just set my mind to it and went for it. Now I feel like the sky’s the limit. This is a great honor but with or without it I was going to continue to work my butt off and make sure I have no regrets on what I could or couldn’t have done. I want to know that I gave it my all.”
   Pierrot will be attending Rutgers University majoring in Engineering and will play basketball for the Rutgers-Newark Raiders.
   Furka was announced next as she came up for her presentation by Mr. Woodring. She is the daughter of Paul and Diane Furka and she has earned eight varsity letters in basketball and softball at MHS. She is a member of the Future Business Leaders of America, Key Club, French Club, Yearbook and the National Honor Society.
   ”In past years, I have seen seniors who are selected as scholar athlete and these individuals have always been not only smart and athletic, but also kind and responsible young adults. For me, being selected as the 2009 female scholar athlete means that I am a well-rounded person who can balance academics and other activities and will surely succeed in my future endeavors. Being selected as a scholar athlete makes me feel like all the hard work I have done throughout high school is being recognized. It isn’t always easy playing multiple sports as well as doing schoolwork and I am extremely glad that my efforts reflect the hard working person I am,” she said.
   Furka wasn’t even thinking about who would be the female scholar athlete for MHS.
   ”Before this year, I never gave any thought to who would receive the Scholar Athlete award,” she said. “There are many bright and talented athletes in my graduating class and I am honored to have stood out as someone who has many talents and a promising future. There are so many influences in my life who have helped me to become the person I am today. My parents have always told me to do my best and this is mainly what drives me to do all the clubs and activities I can. Also, my coaches and teachers have given me all the opportunities that are available to me and I am grateful for their positive influence and leadership.”
   Furka will be attending Florida State University but is undecided about her major.