Historical Society sells books at E.B. library

The East Brunswick Historical Society’s new books, “World War II Recollections of Local Veterans” and “The Smith Farm,” will be offered for sale near the front door of the East Brunswick Library between 1 and 5 p.m. June 7. The World War II book tells of the lives and war experiences of local residents. The 34-page book, “The Smith Farm,” is an agrarian tale about a time gone by in East Brunswick — a time when farmhouses dotted the landscape and people made their living off of the land.

The Smiths were an extraordinary family who lived on Milltown Road. George Smith, the father, married twice, had 13 children and lived to be 94 years old. George and son Lawrence turned their apple orchard into one of the largest and best in New Jersey. The story of the famous murder of Roman Smith, George’s brother, is also in the book, along with other historical information.