MONTGOMERY: Economic forum set for Sept. 15

By Natalie Lescroart, Staff Writer
   MONTGOMERY—Six months after a forum that focused on the economic crisis, the township Economic Development Commission is planning a second session next month to discuss the continuing effects of the recession on local individuals and businesses.
   Titled “Is the Recession Over?,” the forum will take place from 6 to 8 p.m., Sept. 15 at the Princeton Elks Lodge on Route 518.
   ”The mood of the business community, at times, seems to shift with every new economic report issued, but it seems the pattern has been from a mood reflective of a very high level of uncertainty to one that is more manageable,” said commission member Wil Minggia. “The questions have changed from ‘Are we falling off a cliff?’ to ‘How steep is the grade?’ and ‘How tough will be the battle to get back on the top of the hill?”
   ”The storm appears to be over but the wreckage remains,” Mr. Minggia continued. “From the global and national perspective we see positive signs that things are changing for the better, and we certainly hope our local businesses are able to take full advantage of that.”
   The Economic Development Commission, appointed by the mayor and approved by the Township Committee, was created to analyze the economic development of the region and to promote the sound development of the township.
   Having recruited a number of business experts to give lectures and presentations at the September event, the commission extends an invitation to any and all interested business owners and residents to take advantage of the free forum.
   ”There is a wide range of opportunities for all businesses and individuals to participate in the business forum,” Mr. Minggia said. “Hearing our panelists’ opinions and insight on the current economic conditions and how they can take advantage of it will certainly contribute to investment decisions. The networking portion of the program also provides them with a bit of local insight on economic activities and they may find the perfect partner for their business’s growth plans.”
   According to Mr. Minggia, the night’s key speakers will be Dana Saporta, an economist at Dresdner Kleinwort in New York, and Paul Ceppi, the business development officer for the New Jersey Economic Development Authority. Mr. Minggia said another guest economist would also contribute. Following the formal presentations, the commission will open the forum for public discussion relevant to the local business economy.
   For more information or to RSVP for the event, call 908-359-7007 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. The RSVP should include names, contact information and, for groups, the number of persons planning to attend.
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