By Mary Ellen Zangara, Special Writer
Manville-Hillsborough Elks Lodge 2119 will hold its 18th annual clambake Saturday, Sept. 12 (rain date Sept. 13), to help support special-needs children.
The event, one of three Elks fundraisers that helps support special-needs children, will be held from 1 to 5 p.m. at the Elks lodge on Brooks Boulevard. For those who don’t like clams, other food will be offered at the clambake. Visitors can enjoy barbecued ribs, hamburgers, hot dogs, chicken, kielbasa, salads and more. The Elks normally go through more than 30 bushels of clams during the all-you-can-eat-and drink event.
Last year’s fundraiser attracted just over 300 people and close to 350 are expected to attend this year. The clambake has raised more than $50,000 for special-needs children in the community.
The Manville-Hillsborough Elks support children for weekly, biweekly or monthly physical, speech or vocational therapy at the Somerset County Treatment Center in Bridgewater. This year the Elks also sent special-needs children to a week of summer camp at Elks Camp Moore in North Jersey.
Event Chairman Tom Cronin and his crew will man the grills and keep the clams coming as attendees shuck away. Music will be provided by the band Hit and Run. An added featured this year is the margarita machine for attendees to enjoy.
Mr. Cronin said the Elks are dedicating this year’s event to Joe Vadimski, a longtime clambake helper who died.
Advance tickets for the clambake are $35 for adults and $25 for children ages 11-14, and can be purchased from any Manville-Hillsborough Elks member. Tickets also can be purchased at the door for $40/$25. For advance tickets, call the Manville-Hillsborough Elks at 908-725-1717.