An employee of Midtown Deli reported the theft of various daily newspapers from the front of his business, and believed the theft occurred around 3:45 a.m. Sept. 3.
The employee reported the theft at 1:21 p.m., and said the papers totaled $50 in value.
A caller reported his son found a gray Jamis XLT mountain bike in Memorial Park around 4:48 p.m. Sept. 3. Police entered the bike into the National Crime Information Center database, and said it has an approximate value of $500.
Two 14-year-old girls and a 15-year-old girl were stopped on North 11th Avenue after someone allegedly reported seeing several juveniles attempting to climb the water tower on North Ninth Avenue around 10:10 p.m. Sept. 3.
Police reported initially finding the girls at the water tower, but said they fled the scene. Once stopped on North 11th Avenue, police said the girls admitted to being in the fenced area surrounding the tower, and were attempting to recover property a male friend threw over the fence.
Police issued a warning and transferred the girls to their parents.
Brian Nowak, 24, of West Camplain Road, was charged with possession of three bags of marijuana, totaling less than 50 grams in weight, at 11:25 p.m. Sept. 4. on Brooks Boulevard.
Police reported receiving a call about a shirtless man who was challenging people to fight, and acting in a disorderly manner. When confronting the man, police reported finding three bags of marijuana, and charged him. Mr. Nowak was released after processing.
At 8:12 p.m. Sept. 15, an East Camplain Road caller reported his van was broken into overnight, and a laptop, GPS, and other items were taken from the vehicle. Police reported the vehicle was unlocked at the time of the theft, and the items were valued at $1,425 total.
The GPS unit was entered into the National Crime Information Center database.
Andre Thompson, 48, of Piscataway, was charged with driving while intoxicated at 2:10 a.m. Sept. 6, after police stopped him on North Main Street.
Police reported stopping Mr. Thompson after observing him make a U-turn in the middle of North Main Street, and for a broken brake light.
Upon speaking with Mr. Thompson, police noticed an odor of alcohol on his breath, prompting them to administer roadside sobriety tests.
Mr. Thompson was transported to police headquarters after failing the tests, and was released after processing, police said.