CAMPAIGN CORNER: GOP candidates seek ‘win-win synergies’

Bob Wagner and Carl Suraci
   As we discussed in our letter last week, this is the first of our weekly letters to discuss topics of interest to highlight our accomplishments over the past six years, and to address our vision for Hillsborough’s future. This week’s topic is Hillsborough’s Sustainable Community Program.
   Earlier this year, NJDEP’s Elizabeth Semple, strongly encouraged Hillsborough to seek certification from the state, in order to be in line for potential grants for clean energy from the Board of Public Utilities. With that recommendation, we constituted a Sustainable Steering Committee and authorized it to pursue the application process for a Sustainable Jersey Certification.
   To receive the Sustainable Jersey Certification, 11 requirements must be met. These include: performing an energy audit on the municipal building, holding “green” events, pledging regional cooperation on land use issues (e.g., Hillsborough belongs to the Sourland Mountains Municipal Alliance), and preparing a Natural Resource Inventory.
   Because of the excellent progress that we have made in fulfilling the 11 requirements, we are proud to say that we expect Hillsborough to receive the Sustainable Jersey Certification in the very near future. And, because of the work of the Sustainable Steering Committee and of our Economic Action Plan, we have already seen some benefits for our community.
   Earlier this year, the municipal building was approved by the Somerset County Freeholder Board to receive an energy audit as part of the Somerset County Energy Audit Program, a $1 million grant program. This will include the investigation of potential construction of a solar panel system at the municipal building to help offset the cost of needed replacement of the building’s nearly 20-year old roof, and its heating, ventilation and air conditioning system. This is a win-win for us, because it not only fulfills sustainability and “green” objectives, but also fits our business-like approach to identify areas where we can drive down operational costs.
   One of the objectives of our Economic Action Plan is to keep Hillsborough “at the forefront of green issues.” Prior to the Plan, in 2007, we passed an ordinance that allowed for the construction of alternative wind energy systems. However, with the rapid development of new technologies in this area, as part of the Economic Action Plan we amended that ordinance this year, allowing for smaller-sized and less-costly vertical wind turbine technology. This amendment, which furthered our sustainability goals, arose from initial efforts from our Township Business Advocate and interested citizens. As a result of this amendment, Hillsborough not only has expanded opportunities for alternative energy, but has also gained a new member of our business community — a manufacturer of vertical wind turbines.
   If re-elected, we pledge to continue our work toward a sustainable community, business growth, and win-win synergies for our residents and taxpayers. If you would like to learn more about our respective backgrounds and our platform, visit our Web site at We hope you agree that we have the trusted experience to continue leading Hillsborough for the next three years.
The writers are Republican candidates for the Township Committee.