I am a long-term AARP member and volunteer who is carefully following the discussion on health care reform.
AARP is fighting for all of us and our families. They are fighting to protect Medicare benefits for seniors and to ensure that our children have the health care coverage they need when it is their turn to retire.
There is so much we can do to lower drug costs, for example, and to improve efficiency, but AARP will fight with everything its got against any proposal to cut our Medicare benefits or increase our out-of-pocket costs.
AARP is also fighting to ensure that all health decisions are made by us and by our doctors, not by an insurance company or the government. No one should come between any of us and our health care.
We need health care reform and we need it now, but we need reform that makes sense.
AARP is going to fight for what will make the most sense and in so doing, will help protect consumers and eliminate waste that is so prevalent in the current system. I know AARP is fighting for us and our health is worth fighting for.
Mary Ann Fischle
volunteer county and regional coordinator
AARP Whippany