NJAR Web/TV Campain

By Pete Casale
Burkewood Creative teams up with Winning Strategies and the New Jersey Association of Realtors (NJAR) to promote home sales
September 2009 — Princeton, New Jersey With the clock ticking on the federal first-time home buyer tax credit, creative boutique Burkewood Creative was recently tapped by the New Jersey Association of Realtors and Winning Strategies to handle creative, shoot and post a series of comedic web videos aimed at promoting now as great time to make a move in New Jersey. The ads encourage prospective home buyers to take advantage of the limited time $8,000 tax credit and to visit an informative NJAR website called REALstoryNJ.com (http://www.REALstoryNJ.com).
Burke Wood, who directed the series of 8 spots said, “More and more of our client’s are using the speed, ease and affordability of web hosted videos to get their messages out. A lot of people don’t know that behind Google, You Tube is the second most popular search engine.  Along with posting videos on their own sites, clients are creating you Tube Pages, which can add tremendous power to their message dissemination.”  He cited the You Tube pages for the NJAR project (http://www.youtube.com/RealStoryNJ) and Barak Obama’s (http://www.youtube.com/barackobama) as examples.    
The 8 spot web series was so well received that NJAR decided to put it on the air.  Pete McDonough, Partner at Winning Strategies, said “Burkewood’s creative concepts and execution were exceptional and were fundamental to the success of this program.”
Their client at the New Jersey Association of Realtors said, "Burkewood Creative delivered a great product in a short amount of time. Burke and his staff go the extra mile when it comes to keeping the client informed. They were willing to do what it takes to make the deadline and make sure we end up with a creative endeavor that exceeded our expectations."
As the clock clicks down on the government’s $8,000 first time home buyers tax credit, NJAR has had interest from several other state Realtor associations in customizing the series for their own uses. Burkewood recently customized a package of the NJAR spots for The Wisconsin Realtors Association which was simply a matter of receiving a new voice over and graphics from the association over the internet, and a few hours in one of Burkewood’s editing suites.
For more information about this particular project see:
To learn more about Burkewood Creative go to http://www.burkewood.com
or contact Burke Wood at 609-520-0090 ext. 101
[email protected]