Holmdel needs thoughtful, ethical people on committee

An interview of the candidates for Holmdel Township Committee that appeared in a recent issue of the Independent tells a lot about the two candidates. Their answers to the very first question illuminate the differences between them. The question was simple, “How long have you lived in Holmdel?” Larry Fink’s answer was equally simple, “28 years, since 1981.” What about Mr. Capaci? While I won’t quote his rambling response, I note that he used 90 words without answering the question.

Mr. Capaci’s disingenuous statement tells us two things. First, he doesn’t think we’d like the real answer — that he has lived here only a short time. Second, he thinks we are dim enough not to notice that he avoided answering the question. His lack of respect for the voter is as strong a reason not to vote for Mr. Capaci as is his lack of experience.

The candidates’ differing approaches to the big issue in town, the future of the Lucent property, shows the same contrast. Larry Fink acknowledges the difficulty of the problem and the need for careful balance between ratables and other impacts; he is not arrogant enough to claim he has a solution, only that he will work to find one that is best for Holmdel. Capaci, on the other hand, claims he has a solution, and even advertises it in his campaign literature. The “plan” is vague and embarrassingly naive, and makes no attempt to deal with or even acknowledge the economic realities of the situation. Again, Mr. Capaci seems to be hoping that we won’t notice.

Holmdel has serious issues to deal with this year and we need thoughtful, experienced, and ethical people on the Township Committee. The choice is clear: Larry Fink is all of these. I urge you to re-elect him so that he can continue to work for Holmdel as he has for so many years.

Janet Jackel
