Keep New Jersey the Garden State

Ashley Thompson, New Center Road
   As the most densely populated state, we need to focus on keeping this the Garden State. With today’s economy, numerous farms are being sold as housing developments. Though more houses could be benefited from, and would allow more residents, we need to save this land. The government should be setting aside funds to help support these dying farms.
   Although this may consist of higher taxes or less money to other projects, farmland needs to be saved. Migrating animals need open land to nest in. We need this to help domestic animals as well. For instance, now that horse slaughter is illegal, they need homes. Horses are being abandoned because their owners cannot afford to feed them. If we had more working farms, feed would be more affordable for horses as well as other animals. The preserving of farmland would also be beneficial to humans. Open areas will provide more space for recreational purposes.
   Farmers of New Jersey need help from the government to preserve their farms. This should be a concern of all who live in New Jersey. We should be trying to keep gardens here in the Garden State.