Supporting Hersh in West Windsor

Hemi Nae of West Windsor
    West Windsor will be facing many crucial decisions in the next few years.
   These decisions would determine whether it will retain its appeal as a vibrant community and a beautiful township or deteriorate into blight. West Windsor needs a new council member who will be able to analyze complex issues and offer the best solutions.
   Andrew Hersh has these qualities and more. He is bright, enthusiastic, solution oriented and a natural consensus builder. His experience, as vice president at Marsh & McLennan, dealing with evaluation of financial impact and risk management in large and small companies, enhanced by his ability to provide constructive solutions, will be a refreshing addition to WW council.
   He has already contributed to the community by offering his expertise as a member of Friends of West Windsor Open Space, West Windsor Bike and Pedestrian Alliance and in his many appearances before the West Windsor Council. Mr. Hersh is dedicated to strengthening our education system, increasing community volunteerism and assuring environmental sustainability. Relying on his proven track record, he will be looking for ways to reduce our tax burden by becoming more efficient and resourceful.
   Mr. Hersh understands we need pragmatic solutions to fix current problems before we focus resources on new ventures. He has already started to move forward with his plan to revitalize Route 571 between Wallace and Alexander Road. His approach is multi-faceted and comprehensive and includes engaging the community as part of the solution.
   Mr. Hersh will add independent views as a council member, drawing upon his experience to resolve tough issues to move West Windsor forward for the benefit of its residents. West Windsor needs a new, enthusiastic, bridge builder and solution oriented council member. Please join me this Nov. 3, in voting for Andrew Hersh for West Windsor Council.
Hemi Nae
West Windsor