What would you do to help stabilize taxes?
Butler: First I would like to say that taxes are in both the state of New Jersey and the township of Old Bridge. I empathize with the taxpayers of Old Bridge Township. I would have a freeze on new hires. I wouldn’t replace employees who retire. I would ask the current administration to issue an executive order freezing any and all salary increases. The Township Council worked hard in the most recent budget for the 2010 calendar year to see that there was no tax increase.
Cenegy: The most important thing is we need to cut down on the amount of money we spend on the budget. There are numerous departments that can be abolished without hindering the services the township provides. That will cut out unnecessary salaries and overtime that costs the taxpayers money. Some of these departments, in a way, do the same work. Why? There is no need for that. Not when the economy is in the shape it’s in. Everyone, including me, has to cut back on the luxuries we have grown accustom to. We don’t need to waste taxpayer money on fruitless spending.
Has Old Bridge done enough to control development?
Butler: The Old Bridge planning and zoning boards have made great strides to control development. The economic recession also had a lot to do with controlling development. The development that Old Bridge Township has approved has been at a minimum over the last 12 years and has been age-restricted, which means 55 years and older, and no children to increase the Board of Education budget.
Cenegy: In a word, no. That is an issue that needs to be addressed. We need to dig deep into the Planning Board and the Zoning Board because the majority party has not done enough to protect our residents. They are using a system that is in dire need of an overhaul.
What new programs or projects would you endorse and work on as a council member over the next four years:
Butler: First we need to take a serious look at reducing our dependence on foreign oil, by buying more energy-efficient hybrid vehicles and possibly getting from 26 to 32 miles a gallon. Re-lamp the entire township with energy-efficient florescent lighting and utilizing smaller light bulbs. Work with JCP&L and First Energy to produce enough wattage to run the Old Bridge municipal complex. This would require a rather large investment; however, over time, this technology would pay for itself. There are also state grants available from the Board of Public Utilities.
Cenegy: Years ago there was a plan in place for a community center for Ward 3. What happened with that? My kids would love to go there. I know the residents would have peace of mind knowing their children are in a safe, controlled environment. I would work very hard to make the community center happen. I have seen problems with increased traffic in Ward 3. There are certain intersections that must be addressed. One problem is traffic at the intersection of Ernston Road and Bordentown Avenue. I feel the first aid squad there is hindered when they need to answer a call. I would vote on incorporating a better system. Why should residents vote for you on Nov. 3?
Butler: Residents should vote for me because I have delivered on many services and programs over the last four years. With the help of the current administration, we have been able to complete the following projects: curbed and paved 95 percent of Madison Park and Central Park. We have been able to work with the township engineering, county and state Department of Transportation to erect two much-needed traffic signals— Downing Street and Route 9 North, and Route 34 and Springhill Road. In my ward, we take residents to hospitals, doctors’ appointments, shopping and out-ofarea specialists at no cost to the residents.
Cenegy: That is simple. I am who I am. I am not a seasoned veteran in politics; I don’t pretend to be. I don’t play by “the game.” I am a person coming in with new ideas for the Ward 3 residents, a new outlook on important issues that affect the residents. I will listen to them. I want to know what their opinion is. I am here to serve the community. That is the reason I am running, to do what is best for the residents. If I am elected as your councilman, I will listen. I am here for you.