SCCC to join the Barbershop Initiative to ‘Cut Out’ Prostate Cancer

Somerset County Board of Freeholders
The Somerset County Cancer Coalition (SCCC) will join the Barbershop Initiative in offering free prostate cancer screenings and haircuts to Somerset County men on Saturday, Dec. 5, at the Women’s Health & Counseling Center (WHCC), located at 71 Fourth St. in Somerville.
Men age 45 and older who are uninsured and not currently under the care of a urologist may take advantage of the “Cut Out Cancer” program, to raise awareness about prostate cancer.  For information and to make an appointment, call WHCC at 908-526-2335 ext. 119.
“We encourage men to make it a priority to learn more about prostate cancer and go for necessary screenings,” said Freeholder Deputy Director Jack M. Ciattarelli, Health Department liaison. “With awareness, early detection and treatment, survival rates among men affected by this disease will improve. As with most cancers, early detection is essential for a positive outcome.”
 Dr. Anthony Catanese, a urologist at WHCC, will provide a digital rectal exam, a prostate specific antigen (PSA) blood test and a fecal occult blood test for colorectal cancer as part of the program. Fasting for the tests is not required.
Nathan Sanders of Somerset Plaza Unisex Shop will provide courtesy haircuts to participants.  Educational materials and gifts will be available to participants who qualify to attend. 
Prostate cancer is the single most diagnosed of all cancers and the second leading cause of cancer death in men. Those at highest risk are African-American men and men with a strong family history. 
New Jersey leads the nation in the number of new cases of prostate cancer detected annually and is ranked in the top five of those states with the highest death rate.   In addition, on average, new cases are found at an advanced stage, which limits options for treatment and survival. In Somerset County, prostate cancer is one of the leading cancers affecting men. 
In response to these statistics, the Somerset County Cancer Coalition urges men to get checked for prostate cancer. Through grassroots partnership programs such as “Cut Out Cancer,” more than 30,000 men have been empowered through education and have been tested.
This screening is made possible by grants from the New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services Office of Cancer Control and Prevention. To learn more about cancer resources visit
For more information on the Somerset County Cancer Coalition, to become a member or learn about available cancer-screening locations, dates, times and eligibility, contact Cancer Coalition Coordinator Lucille Y-Talbot at 908-203-6077 or visit the Somerset County Health Department website at and select the Cancer Coalition from the Health Promotion and Wellness Activities menu.