PLUMSTED — The New Egypt Warriors Junior Pee Wee dance team, which had previously placed first in regional competition, traveled to Disney’s Wide World of Sports Complex in Lake Buena Vista, Fla., and on Dec. 10 won the national championship.
The team’s national title has also won it an invitation to be honored by the New Jersey State Legislature and their 30th Legislative District representatives, Sen. Bob Singer, Assemblyman Joe Malone and Assemblyman Ron Dancer, who is Plumsted’s mayor, and the Township Committee.
Each member of the national championship dance team and their coaching staff will be honored at an upcoming meeting of the Township Committee.
In other news, Dancer reported that the Ocean County Shade Tree Commission has approved Plumsted’s grant application in the Tree Planting Partnership Program by providing the township with six Redspire pear trees.
The trees will be planted along Evergreen Road within the county’s right of way. Ocean County forester Richard Reenstra will provide proper planting and caring techniques as supervisor of the Tree Planting Partnership Program.
Improvements to Plumsted’s recycling center, including new steps, a shed and surface materials to reduce muddy conditions, will be made with a $4,850 recycling grant from Ocean County. Additionally, residents will be mailed a new recycling brochure with updated information, Dancer said.
The state of New Jersey awarded Plumsted $6,705 as the township’s share of the state recycling tonnage grant program to help offset costs of operating and maintaining a local recycling center.
The state Division of Highway Safety awarded Plumsted $5,423 from the New Jersey Drunk Driving Enforcement Fund to pay the Plumsted Police Department for overtime patrols to prevent and eliminate drunken driving on the roads.
And, the winners of the gingerbread house contest sponsored by the Plumsted Arts Council on Dec. 9 were: First place — the Downs family; Second place — Caitlyn and Nellie Hughes; Third place — 4H/New Egypt Aggies/Teens; and People’s Choice — 4H/New Egypt Aggies/Youth.
The Plumsted Township Committee will meet at 6:30 p.m. Jan. 5.