Task force would help students with brain injury

The New Jersey Legislature is considering the development of a task force that would help develop best practices for education professionals who work with students with traumatic brain injury. The Brain Injury Association of New Jersey respectfully calls on the state Legislature and the governor to approve of this Special Education and Traumatic Brain Injury Task Force by the end of the current legislative session.

Currently the bill package, which is sponsored by Assemblywoman Mila Jasey and Sen. Shirley Turner, is pending consideration by the Assembly Education Committee and the State Senate.

According to theNewJerseyDepartment of Health and Senior Services, 1,231 children in New Jersey were hospitalized with brain injury, and an additional 22,436 children were seen in hospital emergency departments due to brain injury in 2007. Brain injury can result in reduced concentration, attention, and other performance problems.

It is imperative that the state Legislature act on this package in an effort to define how to best serve students with brain injury.

Barbara Geiger-Parker

President and CEO Brain Injury Association of

New Jersey North Brunswick