Volunteers sought for ethics panel

JACKSON — Municipal officials are seeking volunteers to serve on Jackson’s new Ethics Review Committee. The committee will consist of seven members.

Three members will be appointed by the mayor’s office and three members will be appointed by the Township Council.

The seventh member of the committee will be a member of the clergy. That individual will be appointed by the mayor and approved by the council. An alternate member of the committee will be a member of the clergy.

Because of the sensitive nature of the Ethics Review Committee, volunteers, with the exception of clergy members, will be required to undergo to a background check.

Officials have said that Democrats, Republicans and independents will be sought for the Ethics Review Committee.

All members of the committee must be able to show they have been affiliated or, in the case of an independent, non-affiliated for at least five years prior to their appointment.

All members of the Ethics Review Committee must cease political activities for the duration of their term on the panel. This includes donations to political candidates or parties.

All seven members of the committee will be Jackson residents.

The committee was formed to help ensure the highest level of accountability and integrity in local government. An ordinance creating the Ethics Review Committee was adopted by the members of the Jackson Township Council on Nov. 24, 2009.

Aside from the Ethics Review Committee, only the township clerk will know who has filed a complaint.

“Needless to say, confidentiality is of the utmost importance, and anyone who reveals even the slightest bit of information will be removed from the committee,” council President Mike Kafton said.

The township clerk will contact the accused individual if the Ethics Review Committee determines there is a possible ethics violation. The accused individual will then have the opportunity to refute the allegation that has been made against him or her.

If the committee decides there was a legitimate ethics violation, it will pass the case on to the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs (DCA) for further action.

However, the accuser can also bring any case that is dismissed by Jackson’s Ethics Review Committee on the basis of no found violation to the DCA. Even a complaint that is thrown out due to a breach of confidentiality on the local level can still be brought to the DCA.

Individuals interested in serving on the Ethics Review Committee may email a résumé to Ann Marie Eden, township clerk, at [email protected] or by mail to the Jackson Township Municipal Building, 95 W. Veterans Highway, Jackson, NJ 08527.