By Family Fun Hobbies
A variety of manufacturers and wholesalers are kindly donating products to this cause, as are we. There will be a vast array of products available for sale. All proceeds from Family Fun Hobbies’ merchandise, as well as those donated from our suppliers, will go to "Habitat for Humanity" Haiti Relief Fund. As customers, you can also bring in your own items to auction, regardless of what it is. This is a great chance to raise some money for yourself, as well as for the people of Haiti. Half of all our customers’ items proceeds will go to "Habitat for Humanity" Haiti Relief Fund. The other half is yours to keep, either as cash, or as a Family Fun Dollars Gift Card. Should you choose to take one of our Family Fun Dollar Gift Cards, we will add an additional 10% to the Gift Card. We will maintain an Auction Item List on our website, so that as items come in to us for the auction, you will be able to see them ahead of time. Therefore, if you do have items for auction, the earlier you bring them in to us, the sooner we can post them on the website.