Emergency squads may rework building plans

Property on Rt. 528, Plumsted, could still be sought as site for fire co., first aid headquarters


PLUMSTED — A plan to construct a new building that would house the New Egypt Fire Department and the New Egypt First Aid Squad is back under consideration.

“Right now we are kind of in the regrouping stage,” Fire Commission Chairman Aaron Heller said. “We had an opportunity to purchase a piece of land in the township and we had a special election just to purchase that land back in the fall, but that was voted down.”

Heller said he believes people want to know the cost of the entire project, not just the purchase price of the land. As a result of the rejection of the land purchase ballot question, officials decided to regroup and form a committee to come up with a new plan and the costs involved with such a project.

The property that was originally targeted for purchase is still being considered. The parcel is on Route 528 next to the New Egypt Elks Lodge. The property is owned by Dow Chemical.

“Between the fire department and the first aid squad, we have at least 10 pieces of apparatus that will need to be housed, and we have had talks with our liaison to the police department and the Township Committee about the potential to build or add on to the building a center where the police are involved as well,” Heller said.

Voter approval will be required in order for the agencies to proceed with the capital improvements. If the police department becomes part of the project, the plan may also have to come before the Township Committee, he said.

There is no set date for when a vote may occur, but Heller said officials would like to move forward as quickly as possible. He said they will take the current economic situation into account as they study the issue. A public information forum about the project may be held in May or June, he said.

“We have been working with real estate agents in Plumsted over the years and we had targeted a few vacant pieces of property that were not in the farmland preservation program yet,” Heller said. “But after trying to negotiate with those folks [for a parcel of land,] nobody could find us anything.”

He said Dow Chemical has indicated it is willing to sell the Route 538 property. Heller said officials understand that the present economic climate is difficult, but he said they are still hoping to be able to acquire the parcel. He said it may be less expensive to proceed with construction work now.

“Contractors need to work also, and that would be a savings for the taxpayers,” he said, adding that fire and first aid officials will do whatever it takes to explain their proposal to the community. He said they will make it clear to residents what the cost of such a project would be.

At present the firehouse is at 59 Main St. in downtown New Egypt in a building that was constructed in 1961. Multiple additions have been made to the building, but there is not enough room for all of the equipment.

The New Egypt First Aid Squad has its headquarters on Brynmore Road in a building that was constructed in 1979.

Although nothing is set in stone, the fire department would consider selling the downtown firehouse and property on Main Street. That site could be turned into a commercial ratable, Heller said.

Heller said the first aid squad building is owned by the municipality and could be converted to a different public use if the first aid squad moves to a new facility.

New Egypt First Aid Squad Capt. Dave Rogers Jr. noted that the New Egypt First Aid and Emergency Squad was formed in 1938 and originally shared the same station as the New Egypt Fire Company on Evergreen Road.

“The first aid squad is looking forward to this joint venture of an emergency services complex bringing fire and EMS under one roof,” Rogers said. “The two organizations have developed an extraordinary working relationship over the past several years and we are glad to be part of this complex.”

Rogers said he, the first aid squad and the fire department appreciate all of the support they receive from residents. He said he hopes that when the time is right, residents will come out and listen to what is presented in order to clear up any misconceptions about the goals in creating a new emergency services building in Plumsted.