Jackson officials may revisit installation of solar panels


JACKSON — A second look at solar panels for municipal buildings and Jackson schools may be just around the corner.

“A little over a year ago, I proposed that the township look at solar panels at zero cost to the taxpayers,” Township Council President Mike Kafton said at the Feb 23 meeting of the governing body. “We sat down with the school board and members of the township. We looked into putting solar panels on the schools and the municipal buildings at no cost to the taxpayers.”

Jackson’s Going Green Committee has examined the possibilities and has also given the same recommendation, he said.

“As you know, the school board had a referendum to put solar panels on the high schools, and that was turned down” by voters, Kafton said.

The vote is understandable, he said, given current economic conditions.

“But I’m thinking we could revisit the solar panels on top of the schools and the municipal buildings at no cost to the taxpayers through a power purchase agreement,” the council president said.

Looking to make the public more aware of the positive benefits of having the rooftop panels, Kafton said he would like to have a presentation by representatives of an outside agency in a few weeks.

Kafton said by placing solar panels on the schools and municipal buildings, there could be a savings of 30 to 35 percent for electricity, a considerable savings considering the number of schools and municipal buildings in Jackson.

“We need to learn a little bit more about it and possibly move forward,” he said. “We know that the taxpayers spoke clearly on going out and bonding to do this.”

This is another alternative and it will not cost the taxpayers any money, he reiterated.

The council president said he would like to have members of the school board and the public attend the meeting.

Councilwoman Bobbie Rivere asked what grants are available, and Business Administrator Phil Del Turco responded that the possibilities are being investigated.

“We should be getting some information by the next council meeting,” Del Turco said.

Kafton asked if the presentation could be held during the second meeting in March, noting that he also would like to invite members of the Going Green Committee.

“I think the Going Green Committee had a presentation from one or two companies in the past, and we would like to know the benefits of the power purchase agreements,” he said.