• Clara Barton, founder of the American Red Cross and a nurse in the Civil War, was a teacher and founded the first public school in New Jersey (1821-1912). Rest area is in Oldmans Township.
• Grover Cleveland, 22nd and 24th president of the United States, was born in Caldwell (1837-1908). Rest area is in Woodbridge.
• J. Fenimore Cooper, born in Burlington, was an American writer who wrote “The Last of the Mohicans” (1789-1851). Rest area is in Mount Laurel.
• Thomas Edison was an inventor who worked in his laboratory in Menlo Park (1847-1931). Rest area is in Woodbridge.
• John Fenwick was a Quaker who bought the Province of West Jersey from John Berkeley to found the first English settlement in New Jersey (1618?-1683?). Rest area is in Oldmans.
• Alexander Hamilton was the first U.S. secretary of the Treasury and a founding father of the U.S. and is famous for a duel with Aaron Burr in Weehawken. Hamilton died the next day (1755 or 57-1804). Rest area is in Secaucus.
• Joyce Kilmer, a poet and soldier in World War I, was born in New Brunswick (1886-1918). Rest area is in East Brunswick.
• Vince Lombardi, a football coach for the Green Bay Packers and Washington Redskins, first coached at St. Cecilia High School in Englewood (1913-1970). Rest area is in Ridgefield.
• Molly Pitcher is thought to have carried water to men in the Battle of Monmouth during the Revolutionary War. Rest area is in Cranbury.
• Richard Stockton, born near Princeton, signed the Declaration of Independence and was a political leader in the American Revolution (1730-1781). Rest area is in Hamilton.
• Walt Whitman, poet and writer, is buried in Camden (1819-1892). Rest area is in Cherry Hill.
• Woodrow Wilson was the 28th president of the United States during World War I, governor of New Jersey from 1911 to 1913, president of Princeton University from 1902 to 1910 (1856-1924). Rest area is in Hamilton.