DOT to close Route 9 overpass in Manalapan this weekend

Detours to be posted as state replaces Gordons Corner Road bridge over highway

The New Jersey Department of Transportation (DOT) announced today that the Gordons Corner Road/Tennent Road bridge over Route 9 in Manalapan will be closed this weekend from Friday, May 7 to Monday, May 10, in order to replace the bridge deck. One lane in each direction of Route 9 will be maintained. A portion of the Franklin Lane commuter parking lot will also be closed.

According to a press release, DOT is installing a new pre-cast concrete bridge structure connecting Gordons Corner Road and Tennent Road to Morganville Road (Monmouth County Route 3) and Wickatunk Road over Route 9. The use of pre-cast concrete bridge components is enabling the DOT to accelerate the project schedule while minimizing impacts to local traffic. Other than this weekend, the Gordons Corner Road/Tennent Road bridge will remain open to traffic during construction.

The DOT has a detailed detour plan in place for the weekend, which will be well-signed throughout the area. The detour routes are as follows:

• Gordons Corner Road and Tennent Road motorists headed east to Morganville Road or Wickatunk Road will take Route 9 southbound to Taylors Mills Road to Lafayette Mills Road to Robertsville Road to Wickatunk Road. Motorists headed for Morganville Road will then continue on Wickatunk Road east to Church Road to Morganville Road.

• Wickatunk Road motorists headed west to Gordons Corner Road or Tennent Road will take Robertsville Road to Lafayette Mills Road to Taylors Mills Road to Route 9 northbound to the U-turn at the first jughandle for Route 9 southbound to Gordons Corner Road/Tennent Road.

• Morganville Road motorists headed west to Gordons Corner Road or Tennent Road will take Route 9 northbound to the U-turn at the first jughandle for Route 9 southbound to Gordons Corner Road/Tennent Road.

• Route 9 southbound motorists headed to Wickatunk Road will take Taylors Mills Road to Lafayette Mills Road to Robertsville Road to Wickatunk Road.

• Route 9 southbound motorists headed to Morganville Road will take Union Hill Road to Morganville Road. Traffic entering onto Route 9 southbound south of Union Hill Road will take Taylors Mills Road to Lafayette Mills Road to Robertsville Road to Wickatunk Road to Church Road to Morganville Road.

• Route 9 northbound motorists headed to Gordons Corner Road or Tennent Road will continue on Route 9 northbound to the U-turn at the first jughandle for Route 9 southbound to Gordons Corner Road/Tennent Road.

• Motorists using Morganville Road to Route 9 will be detoured to the ramp before the bridge for Route 9 northbound, motorists will then use the U-turn at the first jughandle for Route 9 southbound.

• Motorists using Wickatunk Road to Route 9 will take Robertsville Road to Lafayette Mills Road to Taylors Mills Road to Route 9 northbound and southbound.

The $6.3 million bridge deck replacement project, which also upgrades the bridge clearance and guide rails, began last month and is expected to be completed by late summer 2010, according to the press release.

Real time travel and construction information is available online at or by calling 511.