Mark R. Hettler of Bordentown
As a resident of Potts Mill Road in Florence Township, I want to speak in defense of my neighbor, the landscaper who was the subject of a letter in the April 29, 2010 Register-News.
First, concern was expressed regarding the proximity of the landscaper’s property to “hidden driveway” signs. The “hidden driveway” sign nearest his property happens to refer to my driveway, so I am quite familiar with the visibility issues. There is indeed an issue for motorists exiting my driveway and motorists coming from the opposite direction of the landscaper’s property being able to see each other. But the roadway between my driveway and the landscaper’s property is clearly visible and unobstructed.
Second, concern was addressed regarding the volume of vehicular traffic. My wife is a hiker and I am a biker, so this issue concerns us as well, and indeed is a concern to everyone on my side of the street who must cross the street to get their mail. In recent years there has been a substantial increase in vehicular traffic on Potts Mill Road resulting from the construction of housing developments nearby, especially since an entrance to a large development was added off Potts Mill Road between the landscaper’s property and Route 130. This will only get worse as more houses are constructed in that development. With all of that increase already happening, any vehicular traffic resulting from the activities of this one landscaper will hardly be noticed.
Finally, I want to say that this landscaper is a good neighbor and an asset to the neighborhood. He has been there for me, with landscaping equipment in tow, when I have had minor emergencies, such as trees falling on my property. And I am by no means the only one. So far from being concerned by this landscaper and his activities, I for one am grateful to have someone who is both such a capable landscaper and such a good neighbor, in such close proximity to my home.