By Mary Ellen Zangara, Special Writer
It is time for the semiannual National Wrestling Superstars All Star Pro Wrestling fundraiser this Friday night at the Veterans of Foreign Wars post on Washington Avenue The event begins at 7:45 p.m. with a night of big wrestling favorites.
The fundraiser benefits the Manville Boy Scout Troop 193 and Cub Scout of Pack 193. According to Jim Kelly, Scoutmaster of Troop 193, the event is a popular fundraiser for the Scouts.
”The event helps support the Boy Scouts of Manville, with the proceeds sending boys to summer camp and helping them to afford to go summer camp,” he said. “They can also buy equipment because they have earned so much money.”
The Scouts, leaders and parents work the kitchen selling food during the event. The proceeds from the food sales are split between the Scouts and the VFW, which is the troop’s sponsor.
As the boys work, the total proceeds earned are split into their individual Scout accounts which cut down the expenses of their summer camp, other camping trips and trips throughout the year.
”One of the boys got himself a sleeping bag and backpack so he could be will equipped when he went to summer camp. He earned more money than the summer camp costs,” Mr. Kelly said.
Having the Scouts learn about earning things in life is a plus for the boys.
According to Mr. Kelly, “It is not that someone is going to give things to you, it is possible to work for them, feel good about it and have fun doing it.”
The night will be exciting as the Big Man Tag Team Blow Out is coming, with Rikishi and Blue Meanie going up against the Commandos. Others on the ticket include Rich “Ice Pick” Lowinski, Indian Chief Draven, Big Man Jack Spade and Hasheem “Chemical” Ali. There will be tag team action and plenty of fun and good food.
To help support the Scouts, tickets for the event are available by calling Mr. Kelly at 908-725-1025 and are $19 for adults and $17 for kids and senior citizens.