Morgan Barclay
We are an advocacy website, seniors helping seniors and baby boomers too. We have an awareness press release of local and national significance, due to the proliferation of Nigerian internet scams and fraud, which affects our vulnerable seniors; more importantly, the elderly women who most often surf the web, and are ruthlessly victimized and preyed upon by these thugs. Thank you for supporting our seniors.
Morgan Barclay
[email protected]
BOOMER$ ARE BOOMING! & BOOMER$ too, is an advocacy site for older Americans and baby boomers…a changing market place as labor statistics indicate that nearly 80 million BOOMER$ will exit the workplace in the next decade.
VENICE, FL- is an advocacy web site tailored for seniors and boomers. Born between 1946 and 1964, baby boomers are predominately in their 40’s and 50’s. However, no segment of the population is changing as much as older Americans who presently make up 12.1% of the population. In 2050, seniors age 65 and older will make up 21 percent of the total population, with an aggregate number totaling 86.7 million.
Therefore,, an advocacy site expressly for seniors helping seniors and baby boomers is an innovative site comprised of excellent information and facts so seniors can easily navigate the web-site, and be alerted about internet fraud.
Helping Seniors: is dedicated to protecting America’s seniors and other vulnerable adults from abuse, neglect, exploitation, Nigerian scams, fraud and Government waste and corruption. We are an advocate for Medicare and Social Security.
Helpful Links:
Healthcare…Administration on Aging…State Agencies Long Term Care…Seniors Insurance Ombudsman…AARP…Family and Social Services…FBI…BBB…State Attorney Generals… Administration…FirstGov….Resources for Identity Theft Victims…Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and five other pages of helpful resources and news for the elderly and baby boomers.
A Mission Statement:
“After much research and development, we have designed a one-stop information web-site for seniors and baby boomers with a quality in a class of its own. Simply put, the visual results speak for themselves.” Act now and see for yourself!
About the web-site is a free web-site, maintained by seniors, helping seniors. The advocacy web-site takes donations, and is located in Sarasota County, Florida.
Media Contact:
F. Anthony Capparella
Morgan Barclay Florida, LLC
1435 E. Venice Ave. #104-259
Venice, FL 34292
E-mail: [email protected]