Donna Dass
Summertime means water time for many families. Millions of people will venture to their favorite spots to swim, play and create lasting memories. The most important part of these excursions is safety. Whether it’s the pool, beach, water park or lakefront, the Somerset Valley YMCA reminds everyone that when in or around the water, its safety first.
Water safety should be a primary concern when engaging in activities in or around the water. The Y’s advice to all adults and children is to learn how to swim. It’s never too late.
The Somerset Valley YMCA’s three facilities teach water safety and confidence in the water through a variety of fun programs for all ages and all abilities. The Hillsborough Family YMCA and Bridgewater Family YMCA also offer a Backyard Pool program that offers you the opportunity to schedule swim lessons in your own pool throughout the summer months.
To help keep children and families safe in the water this summer, the Somerset Valley YMCA recommends the following safety tips:
Learn to swim and learn the importance of water safety. The best thing you can do to stay safe in and around the water is to learn to swim — it’s never too late.
Only swim where there is lifeguard on duty; never swim alone.
Adults should constantly watch children in and near the water. If multiple adults are in the vicinity, designate a “water watcher” so everyone knows who is “on duty.”
Inexperienced swimmers should take precaution and wear a U.S. Coast Guard-approved personal floatation device (PFD) when in, on or around the water. Children who are beginners should swim within arm’s reach of an adult.
The YMCA has always been recognized as the nation’s swim instructor, and is among the country’s most trusted provider of aquatics programs. Nationally, YMCAs teach water safety and other skills through YMCA Splash and other outreach programs.
For more information about our nationally recognized aquatic programs, contact the Bridgewater Family YMCA at (908) 526-0688, Hillsborough Family YMCA at (908) 369-0490 or the Somerville Family YMCA at (908) 722-4567 or log onto