Annoyed by educators’, administrators’ attitude

Irecently attended a meeting of the Old Bridge Board of Education and the Old Bridge Township Council to discuss the “budget cuts.”

I am sick and tired of these people being on the defensive and taking questions as a personal attack on all administrators. I do not begrudge individuals the salary they get, be they teachers or administrators. What I do find despicable are the increases in salary they are asking for, the need for five vice principals for one high school, and more importantly, as a senior citizen taxpayer who has never had children, therefore no children in the school system, I still have to pay a school tax.

I have worked for two pharmaceutical companies in New Jersey, plus the aerospace industry in St. Louis, plus a small biotech firm in St. Louis. I never, never had anyone pay for my health insurance benefits nor contribute to my pension. I was never able to accumulate sick days and vacation days. I never had a “bully” union to back me up.

These so-called educators need to get off the gravy train they have been on for so long and take a walk, stop using the children as pawns, and get with the real world.

It appears that no one can reason with these people at all.

Thank God for Gov. Chris Christie. He has guts.

Catherine Roth

Old Bridge