Pain of school budget decision impacts Mat-Ab janitors

Yes, times are bad. The governor, understanding that there would be consequences, took away the blank check. I guess something had to be done. However, for reasons known only to the people in authority in this state, they choose to have the pain roll downhill to the people who least can afford it. The people at the bottom are the ones who get stomped on. I guess it’s human nature to protect what you have and want more, but even a termite only eats the amount of wood in a house so that it still stands. Having termites is one thing, but now they have attacked the foundation of this state, the support staff of the towns, the ones who have made them look good for many years.

We, the custodial staff, deal with constructions, floods, fires, vandalism, blizzards, assemblies, painting, and heating and cooling problems. We also fill teacher supply orders. To protect your kids, we catch anything that gets into the buildings (bees, wasps, chipmunks, birds, dogs, squirrels, deer, and snakes.) We are shown pictures of sexual predators living in the area so we are the first line of defense against predators entering school grounds to prey on kids. And yes, we clean, too. The experience we have gained from years in the district is important to the security, health and safety of your kids, the kids who are the future of this country.

Newspapers have never once mentioned that the maintenance staff and custodians did an outstanding job getting the district schools opened on time, every time, after a major weather event or fire or flood. I know now that you must blow your on horn loud and clear! Doing an outstanding job no long means anything; you can still easily be replaced if a private company can do the job cheaper. The lowest-bidding company employs strangers who have no ties to the people who live here. You get what you pay for. The good people who have done all that they could will soon be gone, while the top people get raises. It’s too late for me, my family of co-workers, and friends. I will miss them all, and soon, so will you.

The way to fight privatization is through attitude, personality, and public opinion. So whatever your job may be, get the word out. Blow your horn loud and clear, or no one will hear. It was worth a shot. We tried to be heard, but they turned a deaf ear and a blind eye to us.

Richard E. Carroll, aka “Mr. Rich”

Soon to be ex-custodian Matawan-Aberdeen School District
