Lance Liverman thanks Princeton Township voters

Lance Liverman of Princeton Township Committee
    Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for voting for me during this last primary. I feel honored and privilege to represent the wonderful citizens of Princeton Township. I do not take my job as your representativelightly.
   During these difficult financial times I am proud to introduce a budget that is the lowest in years. Critics have said that I am not in the reality world by introducing a budget that has an increase. Let me say to my critics that Princeton Township is one of the best run municipalities in the State of New Jersey. Most of this has to do with the Township Committee making very important decisions that effect the financial outcome years from now.
   As long as I represent Princeton Township I will not vote or stand for any unfair financial political games. I am hoping to continue to be available and approachable to all Township citizens.
   I do this job because I am truly convinced it is my duty to give back to this great community. I am raising my three daughters to understand how important giving back to our community will be in future years. As someone born in Princeton Township I feel a special need to make sure we treat all of our community members the same. I would like to continue to enhance and welcome the diversity that has been the fabric to Princeton’s success.
   Township Committeewoman Liz Lempert and I will continue to fight and represent the least among us, as well as, the middle and affluent sectors in Princeton Township. I am asking that you continue to support us in November 2010.Thanks again for the show of support.
Lance Liverman
Princeton Township Committee