People Against Corruption in Washington

Tom Tonon
Political Action
MEDIA ADVISORY FOR            CONTACT: Tom Tonon, local: 609-275-4978, cell: 215-407-6944
August 10th, 2010                          
Rally to Urge Rep. Rush Holt to Pledge to Fight Corporate Corruption of Washington
Participants to urge Rep. Rush Holt to fight corporate control of government, sign Fight Washington Corruption Pledge
On Tuesday, August 10th, MoveOn members in Princeton Junction, NJ will gather outside of Rep. Rush Holt’s office to urge him to join the fight against corporate corruption in Washington by supporting the Fight Washington Corruption Pledge. The pledge, which was developed from ideas submitted by tens of thousands of Americans and endorsed by 96 percent of members, is part of’s campaign to make government work for the 98 percent of people who aren’t represented by corporate lobbyists.
The Fight Washington Corruption Pledge calls for overturning the Supreme Court’s Citizens United ruling giving corporations the right to buy elections, passing the Fair Elections Now Act to empower grassroots-fueled candidates, and radically eroding corporate lobbyists’ influence. From now through the elections, MoveOn members around the country will be asking elected officials to stand with them and help stop corporate control of Washington by supporting the pledge.
“From BP to Wall Street bailouts, the news frustrates and angers voters like me, but it’s important we recognize that these crises aren’t caused by just a few out-of-control corporationsThe real problem is corporate control of Washington,” said Tonon.
“Rep. Rush Holt has stood up against corporations and their lobbyists in the past, and we’re counting on him to sign the Fight Washington Corruption Pledge and stand with us to make government work again.”
WHAT:            Fight Washington Corruption Pledge            
WHO:                MoveOn members and friends
WHERE:            Rush Holt District Office, 50 Washington Road, Princeton Jct, NJ
WHEN:             12:00 Noon, August 10th, 2010
***VISUALS: Signs/crowd **** Political Action is a political action committee powered by 5 million progressive Americans. We believe in the power of small donors and grassroots action to elect progressive leaders to office and to advance a progressive agenda. We do not accept any donations over $5,000, and the average donation to Political Action is under $100.