Flowers, rocks, sticks and truth

BY MARIE MABER Correspondent

How soon after summer turns to fall do you begin to miss her blossoms? If summer’s passing has left you longing for another chance to embrace her tulips and delphiniums, then visit Brookdale’s CVA Gallery to view Dan Schroll’s exhibition, “Documents and Flowers.”

“Tulips” “Tulips” If flowers aren’t your “thing,” then turn to Schroll’s drawings featuring a wider range of subject matter. There is a lot to see. It doesn’t matter what he’s drawing, it is his powerful handling of art media that attracts and compels his audience.

Schroll enjoys talking about his work and that of his students. He is responsible for the graphic design area within Brookdale’s Design Department. When it comes to creating visual art, he is open to discussing his processes. An unfinished drawing is on display at the CVA Gallery along with some of his tools (like masking tapes) and descriptions of his working techniques.

In describing his relationship to his own drawings while he’s working, he says, “There is a language there that no one can translate. You don’t think about a lot of things while drawing. You convince the viewer of the surface. I like realism, control, command and knowledge of the media. I have a lot of respect for that.

“I get tremendous feedback from these drawings,” he said. “I love this paper. I love the feel of the graphite. The 2B, H and 2H are the three grades of pencil I use. The paper just accepts it so willingly.”

‘Documents & Flowers’

Center for the Visual Arts
Brookdale Community College
765 Newman Springs Road
Through Sept. 26
9 a.m.-4:30 p.m.,
Monday – Friday
Thursday, Sept. 16, 6-9 p.m.
For more information: