Holt a friend to peace, Israel

Alan Hershey, Pennington
The campaign for the 12th District New Jersey Congressional seat held by Rush Holt is barely under way, and already voters must beware of misinformation.
   Republicans are already focusing deceptive attacks on Mr. Holt. They have formed what they call the Emergency Committee for Israel, and in its name released a video ominously asking “What does Rush Holt have against Israel?”, apparently hoping to mislead voters concerned about the welfare of Israel, and in particular Jewish voters. Voters should reject those who resort to such blatant distortion and fear-mongering.
   So let’s set the record straight about Mr. Holt’s record of support for Israel. In 2009 and 2010 alone, Mr. Holt has sponsored, supported, or signed formal legislation or communications urging King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia to take a leadership role in overtures to Israel, urging the Obama Administration to contribute to a foundation for the memorial preservation of Auschwitz-Birkenau, making it easier for individuals to de-invest in Iran’s energy sector, and supporting U.N. sanctions against Iran. He has urged President Abbas of the Palestinian Authority to rescind the naming of a public square in honor of a terrorist, supported the U.S. ambassador’s vote against U.N. reports condemning Israel’s incursion into Gaza in 2009, and spoken out in Congress in support of Israel’s actions in the Gaza Flotilla incident in May 2010. He is an absolutely consistent supporter of U.S. aid to Israel.
   Candidate Scott Sipprelle and his allies cannot tolerate Mr. Holt’s intelligent, thoughtful approach to defending Israel and seeking peace in the Middle East. Mr. Holt has supported the Obama Administration’s forceful and balanced efforts to coax Palestinian and Israeli leaders to resume discussion of their differences and how to resolve them.
   Mr. Holt recognizes that simply reciting the long history of Palestinian assaults on Israel will not bring peace. Progress in the Middle East depends of course on a strong Israeli defense posture, but it also depends on the ability of Israeli and Palestinian leaders to recognize the yearning for peace shared by their two peoples, and to find there a foundation for mutual accommodation and assurance.
   Mr. Holt has supported Israel and policies of interest to Jewish people, and has also supported efforts to promote enduring peace between Israel and its neighbors. Perhaps the question posed by Mr. Sipprelle’s supporters should be turned around: What does Scott Sipprelle have against peace in the Middle East? Mr. Siprelle’s campaign should be pressed to reject misleading and destructive messages, from his own campaign and his surrogates, and to acknowledge the importance of efforts, by Mr. Holt and others, to promote a future of peace and understanding.
Alan Hershey