Learn about PAD

Maria Feo, Heart and Vascular Care coordinator, Hunterdon
Medical Center
   Approximately 9 million Americans have Peripheral Arterial Disease(PAD.), a common and dangerous vascular disease that can be associated with a heart attack, stroke, amputation and death.
   September is PAD Awareness Month and Hunterdon Medical Center is joining forces with the PAD Coalition, the Society for Vascular Nursing, ev3 Endovascular, Inc. and BioMedix, Inc. to educate the residents in and around Hunterdon County about the risk factors, warning signs and consequences of PAD.
   On Sept. 18, Hunterdon Medical Center will host a Vascular Health Fair and conduct a free screening for peripheral arterial disease. The event will run from 8 a.m.-1 p.m.
   As part of the PAD Screening and Health Fair we will be offering a free foot screening, provided by Muriel Quinn, DPM, podiatrist at Hunterdon Medical Center, a Cardiovascular Risk Assessment — Know Your Numbers, Know Your Risk, which will determine a person’s 10-year risk for having a heart attack or stroke and will include, blood pressure, body mass index and a risk factor analysis for heart disease and stroke. A fasting lipid and glucose test will also be available and the fee for the lab test is $25.
   We are pleased to have Joetta Clark Diggs, New Jersey’s 1988, 1992,1996 and 2000 Olympian, join us by leading a 1-mile walk at 8 a.m. At 9 a.m. and 11 a.m., Dr. Andrey Espinoza will present The ABCs of PAD. At noon, fitness staff from the Hunterdon Health and Wellness Centers will lead a 1-mile walk. We also will be providing attendees with the opportunity to view a number of educational displays on cardiovascular health, nutrition, wound healing, fitness and more.
   To register for the PAD screening, call me at 908-237-5440. To register for the lipid glucose test, call Kathleen Seelig, director of Public Relations, at 908-788-6515.
Maria Feo, Heart
and Vascular Care
coordinator, Hunterdon
Medical Center 