Why support those who caused problem?

Margaret Windrem, Montgomery
I have been following the upcoming election very closely and have a fundamental problem with the Democrats’ campaign for Montgomery Township Committee. Why should we support those that created the problems we are currently experiencing? Louise Wilson and her team had their chance. It’s time for Montgomery to head in another direction.
   During their last several years in control of the Township Committee, the Democrats raised municipal taxes by over 30 percent and increased debt to a shocking high of $63 million. They also burned through most of our surplus (once $19 million and now only $5 million).
   Montgomery is a wonderful place to live, but it is getting way too costly. Look around, their are many “for sale” signs in my neighborhood. High taxes are driving people out of Montgomery; this is unacceptable and has to change.
   Also, the Democrats have repeatedly ignored the voters’ will by trying to develop the Skillman Village site. In 2008, Ms. Wilson and her team fought to develop the land by creating a “town square” with hundreds of high-density residential and commercial buildings. The project was so far-fetched that not a single developer submitted a bid and it was resoundingly rejected by the voters.
   After two elections when many, many residents came out in support of selling the land for a county park, the Democrats again ignored us and unwisely pushed to use a large amount of the land for high-density COAH housing. Even more ludicrous, Ms. Wilson now argues that COAH housing should be built in the remaining dilapidated structures scattered throughout the property. Those buildings have been exposed to the elements for years, likely contain mold and other environmental hazards and certainly could not easily be converted to residential apartments.
   Ms. Wilson and the Democrats conveniently ignore that it would take millions of taxpayer dollars to make those buildings habitable, if it is even possible at all. Indeed, it makes no sense to convert those buildings, which are scattered throughout the 280-acre property site. Further, the county has unequivocally stated that it will not buy the property if the township insists, as Ms. Wilson would have us do, on keeping those buildings or otherwise developing high-density COAH housing on the property.
   Thus, Ms. Wilson’s plan for high density COAH housing on the Skillman Village site is not only unwise, it would force the county to walk away from the purchase of the land — a purchase that will generate over $14 million for Montgomery. Whose interest does Ms. Wilson really have at heart?
   Why should we support the team that caused so many of our current problems? Please join me in voting for common sense and vote for Ed Trzaska and Patricia Graham.
Margaret Windrem