Joan Ruddiman

"Trenton", which was released Oct. 4 by Plexus Publishing, Inc., merges mystery, history and a range of human emotions in a riveting story set right here in central New Jersey.
In the first part, the Harts of Hopewell work with Franklin, Washington and other staunch patriots to secure freedoms for a fledging America as they try to hold the family together. The story then shifts to modern-day Trenton, where Luis Alma fights to preserve the integrity of the city in the face of political upheaval.
The book stands on its own merits and should be read. It is interesting to note how the authors’ creative and intellectual passions infuse the novel with a fervor rarely expressed for our beleaguered capital city.
John Calu and David Hart are Jersey boys, with backgrounds that reflect the unique nature of this complex state. Mr. Calu grew up around the corner from Sam (The Judge) Alito in the working class neighborhood of Mercerville. Mr. Hart of Ewing is descended from John Hart, a signer of the Declaration of Independence. But don’t peg them too quickly as a stereotype of their neighborhoods. Individually, they are multifaceted men, together, a talented duo.
More than 25 years ago, the two met through a mutual friend – Ernie White – a familiar name in Trenton’s music scene.
Dave, a seemingly mild-mannered insurance executive, long has nurtured his creative soul though music and writing. John had recently returned from California where he worked for Jane Fonda producing an award-winning children’s album, among other gigs in the Hollywood world, including writing screenplays. He was back in the Trenton area running the "Songfactory" showcase, where he connected with Dave who played bass with a band called Northlight. They also discovered that they shared a passion for writing – John’s screenplays and Dave’s short stories. Within two weeks, the two were writing together, "with the blessing and support" Dave says, "of my patient wife."
We wrote all kinds of stuff," John recalls,"songs, screen treatments, and then for about 10 years, the series."
That would be their Shore Series of novellas, all published by iUniverse Inc., that cleverly mix familiar places and events of the Pines Barrens and the Jersey Shore within intriguing mysteries. Tucker’s Island off Long Beach Island, the Jersey Devil, Captain Carranza and the noted Painted Rock landmark on Route 539 are Jersey lore that they have used as focal points in mysteries solved by their endearing characters – the clean-cut Martin kids, Kelly and Geoffrey, and with n’er-do-well pal Danny Windsor.
Fans of the series not only enjoy the blend of fact and fiction, but also are charmed by the clever kids who have grown from summer lifeguards to impressive members of their LBI communities. Even Danny shows promise in the latest book in the series, "Riddle in the Sand" (iUniverse, 2009).
Although they had a lot of fun with the Shore Series, the authors had other stories they wanted to tell. Both have a passion for Trenton and wanted to build a story around a modern-day Trenton that is a vibrant community, capable of overcoming the gangs and economic distress that plagues it. John shared that as a husband of a "captivating" Peruvian woman and long an advocate of Hispanic causes in California and in Trenton, he was committed to telling the Latino story. Dave wanted to explore the history of his Revolutionary ancestors and shine a light on New Jersey’s awesome history. The trick was how to bridge the pre-Revolutionary War Era with 21st-century Trenton. They found their link in the Hart family history that has connections to Cuba. The concept works – quite well.
"Trenton" also upped the ante in their writing collaboration, as their editor, although "a great support," was nonetheless demanding. "We went through more than a dozen drafts in three years," John recalled. They also were challenged to write an "adult" novel.
"We had sent ‘The Lost Mission of Captain Carranza’ (iUniverse, 2007) to Plexus Publishing and they really liked it," John related, "But they wanted a full-length novel and something more adult."
Dave added, "They considered our series in the Young Adult sphere."
"So," said John, finishing the thought, "we added the sex scenes."
Yes they did! As an avid reader of Young Adult books with young teens, my initial reaction was that "Trenton" would be a neat book to use with students. Then Edward Hart and Penny fall in love and into the haystack for a tryst. Although not for my middle schoolers, the sex and violence in scenes throughout the book are not gratuitous but rather are part of the story, building characters and adding to the plot.
Although the writing team has entered a new realm in their collaboration, Dave said that their objectives have remained constant. "We seek to entertain, to educate and – wherever possible – to enlighten."
William Mastrosimone, Trenton’s famous playwright, offers a cover tribute that acknowledges that "Calu and Hart have brought a vital piece of our national memory back and combined it with a modern uplifting tale" that is "as compelling as any blockbuster movie … Bravo!"
This reader concurs that with "Trenton," John Calu and Dave Hart have succeeded with meeting their objectives of entertaining and educating readers about the run-up to the Revolutionary War as well as politics and culture in Trenton today. But "enlightening" folks in and outside of Trenton about the beauty of the city and her history can come only if readers find and embrace the novel.
Toward meeting that goal, John and Dave are "on the road" this fall with appearances at Trump Marina in Atlantic City, the Collingswood Book Expo, at the festival in Historic Whitesbog Village with their old Pine Barren pals, as well as locally at Classics Bookstore in Trenton and at the Princeton Public Library Nov. 1.
Ever loyal to Trenton, they are doing benefits for the Trenton Public Library, the Trenton Area Soup Kitchen, The Old Barracks Museum, and the Benjamin Temple House in Ewing, and they will be featured during Patriots Week in December.
Also, check out for more information. "Trenton" is a novel to read and enjoy and – for lovers of all things Jersey – to add to your collection.
Joan Ruddiman, Ed.D. is a Gifted and Talented Resource Specialist for the West Windsor-Plainsboro School District.