Iread, with disappointment, the recent letter in the News Transcript from Nancy Williams criticizing the “powers that be” for allowing one of Marlboro’s representatives in Congress, Rush Holt, to give a civics lesson to Marlboro’s Teen Advisory Committee (TAC).
As the people of Marlboro are well aware, Congressman Holt has worked diligently with TAC since its inception, most recently in connection with their drive to deliver winter coats to the needy in Afghanistan.
Of course, when Congressman Holt asked if he could instruct our teens on the lawmaking process in Washington, TAC’s leadership jumped at the opportunity.
Politicizing our children has no place in our community. The people of Marlboro are not rubes who just fell off the turnip truck. They understand that there is no room for politics as usual that criticize good initiatives in order to harden political lines.
Steven P. Sukel