The community of Jackson, with the members of Bat Shalom Hadassah, celebrated the fifth annual lighting of the Jackson Hanukkah menorah on Dec. 6 at Town Hall.
The holiday season in our township is one of joyful anticipation, made possible by the dedication of our mayor and his administration, the directors and staffs of the Department of Recreation and Senior Services, of public works, and the Jackson council members.
We enjoyed our kosher holiday refreshments and chocolate Hanukkah gelt (candy), which was served in the meeting room of town hall, with dreidels for the children.
Cantor David Amar very graciously led the Hebrew School of Congregation Ahavat Olam of Howell, singing two beautiful Hanukkah songs. A certificate of appreciation was presented to Mayor Mike Reina, representing the township. State Sen. Robert Singer arranged for a joint proclamation from the state Legislature to be read on this fifth anniversary of the Jackson menorah lighting.
At 5 p.m. the community assembled on the lawn in front of the small museum building, where the beautiful menorah candles were lit by Rabbi Josef Carlebach of Chabad, and Rabbi Michael Klein of Congregation Ahavat Olam, Howell, and representatives of the community. Joyful Hanukkah songs were sung by all generations.
Linda Mazzia
publicity chairwoman Bat Shalom Hadassah
of Jackson-Howell