Cutbacks are taking their toll on Jackson neighborhood

I am so tired of politicians’ rhetoric and passing the buck instead of doing a job of bettering a town and helping the people who have voted you in.

In case it has slipped the minds of our mayor and Township Council, they were voted in to run Jackson, not to argue with one another for over an hour. How embarrassing it was to me to watch such childish behavior. Pick a room and hash it out there, not where everyone can see and judge you.

OK, here is my complaint one more time. Cutting back on public works is not working. It has made my neighborhood a total slum. Between the leaves that were never picked up, the plows pushing the snow and leaves into a dirty, filthy, mountain all over my neighborhood, and waiting for the next wind storm to blow them all over the place one more time has made your job twice as hard as before.

I feel like a hamster on a wheel doing the same job over and over. I blow leaves out to curb, the wind blows them back. I used to take them to the compost pile, but since the death of my husband and selling his truck, I can no longer do that for you. Did I charge you for doing your work? No, it was because I was proud of my home and tried to keep it neat and clean. I pay an extra $200 a month in taxes due to your revaluations of the homes in Jackson. Please buy my home at that amount.

If cutting back your public works department has saved you any money, I am here to tell you that the work they have now, they could not do in seven days a week.

I have lived in Jackson for 27 years and this is the worst I have ever seen my neighborhood, and I wonder what your cutbacks have done to the rest of the 104 square miles of Jackson. I would bet that every street each one of you lives on is plowed and not covered with last year’s leaves.

I suggest you give public works back a full work week; it seemed to have worked for the last 27 years I have lived here. They already have last year’s work to catch up on, or do we have to wait until 2012?

I have never been embarrassed about my home. I have worked hard to keep my home clean and neat. Look what you have done to my neighborhood and still have done nothing to fix it except lip service.

Your cutbacks make no sense. Oh, I forgot, when politicians are voted into office, they lose all common sense.

Georgette Vorrasi Jackson