By Barbara Molony
Cadette Girl Scout Troop 71709 recently went on a mission… a mission to fold as many paper cranes as possible for Japan relief.
Through a joint project by ‘Students Rebuild’ and the ‘Do Something Now’ organizations, each paper crane created will be converted into a financial donation towards rebuilding efforts in Japan. These simple yet powerful gestures will help trigger a $200,000 donation from the Bezos Family Foundation – $2 for each crane received – to Architecture for Humanity’s reconstruction efforts in Japan. Once the goal of 100,000 submissions is reached, the cranes will be woven into an art installation – a symbolic gift from students around the globe to Japanese youth.
The eight members of Troop 71709 created 159 cranes [that’s $318!!!] with the origami tutoring of Millie Richardson.
Mrs. Richardson has been a paper-folder for 20 years. Following studies with master folders, she has shared her passion with after school origami clubs, the Mercer County Library System, and is currently teaching origami at Princeton Day School. She has traveled to conventions around the world and is a member of Origami-USA, the National Origami Organization.
In the coming days Troop 71709 will be announcing the date and location for an ‘Origami for Japan’ event in Lawrence. The troop members will be on-hand to teach anyone who wants to learn, how to fold paper cranes for the cause. Watch for the details… we hope to have all of Lawrence there folding with us!!!
You can reach Cadette Troop 71709 by email at [email protected]