Unwanted medicine to be collected

JACKSON — The Jackson Police Department will be participating in the second annual National Prescription Drug Take Back Day in conjunction with the U.S. Department of Justice Drug Enforcement Administration.

“Jackson residents desiring to rid their homes of any unused, unwanted or expired prescription or over-the-counter medicine are encouraged to visit Jackson police headquarters, 102 Jackson Drive, just off West Veterans Highway, which will once again serve as a host collection site,” public information officer Capt. David Newman said. “Last year’s drive was tremendously successful and resulted in the statewide collection of over 9,000 pounds of medicine.”

Jackson Mayor Mike Reina has asked that all residents join this initiative that addresses a vital public safety and health issue.

Police Chief Matthew Kunz also encouraged all residents to participate.

“The township realized great success in last year’s drive, and we hope to meet or exceed that level of participation this year,” Kunz said.

Residents wishing to take part in the program are asked to visit Jackson police headquarters between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. April 30.

Anyone bringing unwanted or outdated medicine to police headquarters is asked to enter the building through the main entrance and to discard the medication in a clearly marked, secure collection bin that will be turned over to DEA representatives at the conclusion of the event.