Girl Scouts will host May 24 golf event

The 2011 Girl Scouts of the Jersey Shore Golf Classic will be held May 24 at the Pine Barrens Golf Club, Jackson.

More than 100 golfers participated in last year’s outing and raised almost $70,000. Proceeds help to remove financial barriers to participation in Girl Scout programs, trips and activities for girls.

The tournament will begin with lunch at 11:30 a.m. and a tee-off at 1 p.m.

Sen. Jennifer Beck will serve as honorary chair, and NinaAnuario of OceanFirst Bank and George Campbell of Investors Savings Bank will serve as co-chairs. This event is the only Girl Scouts of the Jersey Shore golf outing this year.

There are many opportunities to become involved, including a variety of sponsorships as a twosome, a foursome or individual golfer. Dinner-only tickets are also available.

For tickets or sponsorships, call Karen Palamara at 732-349-4499, ext. 223.