Peter R. Weale, Princeton
To the editor:
I have the before and after pictures, from multiple angles, of the Alexander Road s-curve.
The corner/curve remains blind when it need not be. The sight lines should have been extended or altered considerably. The road should have been widened more with jetty boulders from Trap Rock embedded on the side of the hill to arrest erosion or disturbance. Boulders, in fact, were removed from the roadbed that might have been simply moved to the shoulder.
The D&R Canal bridge needed repainting, which should have been coordinated with either the D&R Canal Commission, the university, and/or Princeton Township. Sandblasting could have occurred with the appropriate repairs and rust-inhibitors applied.
Just think, one could have painted the bridge throughout the month … with county detention or state corrections labor … without needing a fleet of overtime police officers because the road was officially closed. Cost savings?
I cannot imagine what might have happened if we had only extended this project a couple of additional planning and engineering years.
I compliment the workers who performed the actual construction.
For what was the extra grant money in 2008 to expedite this construction project?
The township reportedly paid approximately $1 million for a wrongful death settlement yet the township and mayor have yet to act on the engineering study recommendations citing the road hazards rendered in July 2005, only two months before this fatal accident.
If the mayor, WW engineering staff, and no-bid professional contract engineers don’t see these hazards. Are they really there?
Peter R. Weale