David L. Pasicznyk
I would like to take this opportunity to offer congratulations to South Hunterdon’s graduating Class of 2011.
The teachers, parents and citizens of the area should be very proud of these fine young men and women.
Over the past year, I have come to meet some of these students and their families, and I was always impressed with their enthusiasm, knowledge, many skills and interests and, most of all, their sense of giving back to the community. In this sometimes cynical time, with many echoing the rallying cry of “give back to me” instead of “give back to the community,” this attitude is refreshing to see.
It was especially interesting to read that these graduating seniors were collectively awarded scholarships in excess of $1.2 million. For a school of its size this is an impressive number, translating to slightly over $16,000 per student. As Ben Franklin noted “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”
Yes, it’s true — you can see big things from small schools.
Congratulations Class of 2011 and to the parents, teachers and administration of South and to all those who support the school. Well done!