
 Movies in the Park, hosted by the Howell Parks and Recreation Department, will be shown on July 14 (“Little Fockers” – PG-13) and on Aug. 4 at 9 p.m. Movies will be shown on the hill in front of town hall (between the library and the police department), off Old Tavern Road, Howell. Admission is free. Movies will be shown on a 40-foot-high inflatable screen. Vendors will be selling popcorn, candy, hot dogs, funnel cake, cold drinks, cotton candy, fried Oreo cookies and more. Bring blankets or chairs. Parking will be available at town hall, the recreation building, DPW and the police station. In case of inclement weather, call 732-938-4500, ext. 2501.

Items for the Datebook may be sent via email to [email protected]. Please submit items at least two weeks prior to a scheduled event.