Councilman Kafton should make a decision and stick with it

I am responding to an article in the July 14 Tri- Town News about the municipal budget for Jackson. So many times over the past 10 years I have vacillated over writing in about Councilman Mike Kafton’s antics. I get nauseous just thinking of all the times he has changed sides.

Really, Mr. Kafton, I find it hard to believe a word you say. I thought you could not top yourself, but somehow you always do. Also somehow there are enough people out there who keep falling for your lies and continue to vote for you, which I find troubling to say the least. Where are people’s memories?

It is time for you to resign and to get out of politics. We need to vote people in who are going to pay attention during the whole time.

(He voted) yes on the budget and then said, “I think this is the worst budget I have ever experienced.” Then he said he blamed himself for not following what was happening at the meeting more closely … I don’t by it for a minute. I think he was paying attention but realized he could get some political miles out of disagreeing.

You will never please everyone, so make a decision about where you stand and stick to it. Please, Mr. Kafton, stop being so wishy-washy about your decisions.

I think the other Township Council members did a great job. Yes, it is sad that nine jobs will be lost. It was originally 49 jobs, so you all found a way to save 40 jobs. Way to go in a tough economy to the other council members who can make a decision and stick to it, even if it doesn’t please everyone.

Holly Avilleira Jackson