N.J. nuclear plants need safety review

Shivani Mantha, Plainsboro
To the editor:
Recently the licenses of the N.J. nuclear power plants were blindly extended for the next 20 years, without thoroughly inspecting the plants’ safety.
   This is especially troubling because two of N.J.’s power plants, Hope Creek and Oyster Creek, have the same design as five of the failed Japanese nuclear power reactors — a design that has been deemed structurally incapable of withstanding a nuclear catastrophe.
   In light of the recent tragedy in Japan, it is essential that the safety standards of the plants be thoroughly reassessed. Though the likelihood of a nuclear disaster to occur in N.J. is slim, the tragedy in Japan shows us that it is certainly not impossible.
   As someone that, like 90 percent N.J.’s population, lives within 50 miles of a nuclear power plant, I’m disappointed in the renewal of N.J.’s plants.
   I firmly believe that the state and Governor Christie must call for an independent safety review of the N.J. power plants. Neglecting to do so could be utterly catastrophic.
Shivani Mantha