Resident heartbroken over Board of Ed. action

On Wednesday, July 20, 2011, the Middletown Board of Education voted to remove Dr. Anthony Shallop as principal of Middletown High School South and return him to the classroom. Obviously, as a staunch supporter of Dr. Shallop, I found the events of that evening to be terribly sad, and yet inspiring at the same time. To see so many people wait hours in the heat, just for a chance to speak up for someone who needed their help, was truly amazing. I was so proud of our community, because in spite of the mid-summer timing and the stifling heat, we witnessed an unprecedented outpouring of support from countless students, parents, faculty and staff. Nearly 50 different people spoke eloquently, and with great passion, about why Dr. Shallop is an outstanding principal and a great educator. One teacher actually left his family vacation, driving 200 miles for the chance to speak out on Doc’s behalf.

The Board of Education, on the other hand, behaved shamefully, staying in closed session until nearly 11 p.m. (keeping everyone waiting for nearly three hours in a non-air-conditioned auditorium), and then further disrespected the audience by appearing bored and disinterested as students, parents and faculty spoke for nearly two hours extolling Doc’s many virtues. The board never once apologized for the outrageous delay, nor did they ever acknowledge the poise, passion and intelligence shown by the myriad of South students who spoke in support of their principal. Upon hearing the vote, the audience, who had been patient and respectful all evening, cried out for an explanation. The board, however, refused to provide the public with any details regarding Dr. Shallop’s alleged transgressions, saying only that they were legally prevented from disclosing the details. In an attempt to justify an indefensible decision, one board member peppered his response with vague innuendo, obviously intended to imply something sinister, yet that response failed to fool the crowd. Honestly, how egregious could the allegations have been if the board is willing to return Doc to the classroom?

Everything about these proceedings — from the timing, to the speed, to the utter lack of genuine allegations — implies a politically motivated agenda. I thought the days of being ashamed of, and embarrassed by, our Board of Education were over. To say that I am heartbroken and disgusted is truly an understatement.

Patricia Wood Middletown