So-called ‘journalists’ advocating for Obama

A letter in the July 7 Tri- Town News by E.J. Mitchell (“Writer Wants More InformationAbout Obama”) was spot-on and I could not agree with the writer more.

The mainstream media in this country has proven unworthy of the title of journalists as regards their coverage of President Barack Obama, not only during the presidential campaign but from the standpoint of their continuing advocacy of his programs.

To think that President Obama, with no background to speak of, could even be considered for election to the presidency is mindblowing, to say the least.

Can anyone name one program he has successfully implemented that theAmerican people support? Polls show he is on the wrong side of every major issue we face today.

He wants to try battlefield-captured terrorists in our civilian courts, thereby giving them the same rights as U.S. citizens. Wow. He has insulted our closest allies like Israel and England while hosting some of the world’s worst dictators.

He has put some of our bravest front-line people, including Navy SEALS, soldiers and CIA agents, on trial through his wacko attorney general, Eric Holder. Whose side are these guys on? But don’t mention those people who threaten voters at election booths. He picks and chooses those laws he wants to defend and those he won’t defend, like the Defense of Marriage Act. He also attacks states that don’t line up behind him and goose-step like most of his Democrats do by attacking Arizona for defending its state against unlawful intrusion by illegals. Also, he refuses to prosecute sanctuary cities who flout federal immigration laws.

Even now this mainstream media is doing its worst deeds for President Obama by not telling its readers or viewers some of the terrible things this administration is up to, like the selling of guns to drug dealers and having some of those weapons used to kill our border guards.

Or how about the fact that this government, overrun with greenies and other environmentalists in the Interior Department, insists on keeping thousands of acres of public lands out of bounds for our border agents when they are in pursuit of illegals. Our border guards can go on private property, but not onto public property; isn’t that amazing?

I believe that informed voters will help us to correct these injustices come 2012 because we have been made wary of these advocates calling themselves journalists.

Richard Waller Jackson