Take care with bears in area

JACKSON – A recent rise in the number of black bear sightings around town has prompted local officials to remind residents not to be alarmed if they come across the animals.

Bears have been seen near the Jackson Justice Complex, the Cassville Post Office, in the Grawtown area and in the vicinity of the Colliers Mills Wildlife Management Area.

Officials said black bears are rarely aggressive toward humans. Residents are reminded not to feed the bears, because doing so could cause the animals to become complacent around humans.

Residents may take the following steps to avoid potential bear problems:

 Secure trash bags in their cans and place them outside for pick up as close to the pickup time as possible.

 Purchase bear-proof cans or bear-proof existing garbage cans with latching lids.

 Refrain from feeding wild birds during the summer.

 Avoid “free feeding” pets outdoors. Any food left outside should be consumed by the day’s end and empty bowls should be removed.

 Clean all food and grease from barbecue grills after use, because bears are attracted to food odors.

According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, American black bears are the smallest and most common species of bear in North America, occupying all provinces and territories in Canada, 41 U.S. states and eight states in Northern Mexico.

For more information, visit the website http://www.state.nj.us/dep/fgw/bearfacts_ safetytips.htm.