
CRANBURY: Committee turns down sculpture for Village Park

By Heather Niccoli, Special Writer
   CRANBURY — Although the Township Committee likes the idea of having a sculpture in Cranbury, it does not want one at Village Park.
   The Parks Commission proposed a generic sculpture of a painter and an empty frame and suggested the Brainerd lakefront in Village Park as a location for it, but the committee voted 3-2 against it.
   The cost would have been $4,500 to get the statue, which is in an oceanfront park in New Hampshire.
   ”It’s a photo opportunity,” said Tom Weidner, head of the commission. “People can put their face in the frame.”
   Mr. Weidner wanted a sculpture at the left of the dock at Village Park. The sculpture is an artist painting a canvas, but the canvas actually is just open space designed to frame some scenic landscape behind the sculpture.
   Mr. Weidner said people could put their heads in the frame and take pictures with their family.
   ”This is not modern art. It’s an interactive piece of art, and we think it will be attractive. Kids can play on it,” Mr. Weidner said.
   But one of the main issues was the sculpture might be pointy and could be dangerous for the kids.
   ”I don’t think it is sturdy enough (for kids to play on),” said Mayor Win Cody.
   Members of the committee suggested putting it in other parks such as Millstone and Heritage.
   ”I think the lake is the star. To put this there is just clutter. To get it because it is cheap is not a good idea,” said Connie Bauder, of Petty Road.
   Joan Smith, a member of the commission, said the sculpture would work well with any typical Cranbury scene being framed by it.
   The other problem is the location; most of the committee was not thrilled with the idea of putting it in Village Park.
   ”I like the idea of statutory. If we can look at another area, I’ll be more comfortable,” Committeeman James Taylor said.
   Another resident came up and spoke to the committee and Mr. Weidner.
   ”Like most new things I get, I might think it looks great in one place (but then later on) I don’t. How much would it cost to move it,” said Dave Mauger, of Griggs Road. “Personally, I think it is a neat piece.”
   Mr. Weidner said the sculpture would cost under $1,000 to move.
   Mr. Mauger suggested framing farmland in Cranbury instead of the lakefront for the background.
   ”(We should) frame the new (proposed) library,” Mayor Cody said jokingly. “I see it a little differently. I don’t see this park as being appropriate for statutory.”
   ”If it were somewhere else, I’d say yes. I am not comfortable with changing the park,” Committeeman Dan Mulligan said.
   Mr. Weidner said he appreciated the comments, adding the nature of the piece would cause each observer to react differently.