
CRANBURY: Library tours township with new plans

By Heather Niccoli, Special Writer
   CRANBURY — After moving from the back of a second-grade classroom to the basement of the old Cranbury School building and now sharing space with the school, the library now is ready to move out and expand.
   For the past two decades, space has been the issue for the Cranbury Public Library.
   Right now, it is at the beginning stages as it shares its conceptual plans with boards and committees around town.
   The Cranbury Public Library board of trustees and foundation met with the Planning Board on July 21 and the Township Committee on Monday to discuss its plans to open up the new library in 2015.
   Library officials also shared their plans with the Board of Education on July 19.
   Once they raise $2.7 million, library officials will go back to township officials with official proposals.
   ”Trying to have both facilities in 6,500 square feet does not allow either to function fully. The school would gain security and, thus, ensure the safety of the children during the day,” said Kirstie Venanzi, president of the library board.
   The library is sharing their space with the school.
   Dr. John Trowbridge, who was principal of Cranbury School in 1968, came up with the idea to combine the library with the school.
   ”What we are trying to accomplish at this point is to keep township officials informed of where we are in this process, especially since we will now be going out and speaking to town residents with those lovely, large visuals of our concept library,” Ms. Venanzi said. “Separating the libraries will allow each library to function fully and serve our community better.”
   ”It’s hard to tell they have to raise money,” Mayor Win Cody said.
   Some members of the Planning Board questioned parking and traffic problems.
   ”Parking is really expensive. It is a challenge to raise for the library and parking as well,” said Merilee Meacock of KSS Architects LLP, the firm for the project.
   ”The only concern I have is the traffic flow,” Committeeman James Taylor said at the meeting Monday.
   By town ordinance, for every 300 square feet, there needs to be a parking space. That means 36 spaces for the library, proposed at 10,500 square feet.
   ”I doubt it would be 36,” Committeeman Glenn Johnson said, explaining the ordinance was designed mainly for strip malls where it was assumed a customer would visit multiple places in one trip.
   ”I want to see more parking,” Committeeman Dan Mulligan said.
   ”We know that parking is a huge issue and have not solved it yet,” said Allan Kehrt, architect of the project and chairman of the Planning Board at the board’s meeting July 21.
   There also was concern about the exterior of the proposed library.
   ”I don’t think a 21st-century exterior complements the architecture that is prevalent in Cranbury,” said Richard Kallan, of Wynnewood Drive, at the Township Committee meeting.
   But others disagreed.
   ”It’s a great idea. I like the initial design,” Committeeman David Cook said. “The location is approximate; (it) might be tweaked a little bit. It’s an appropriate size. What we are seeing is on the right track. I’m looking forward for a more formal presentation.”
   When it opens, the library will have a community room and meeting rooms that could be used during off-hours if needed, library officials said.
   ”I believe Cranbury needs this library,” said Patty Thomsson, treasurer of the board of trustees.
   Library officials plan on having small fundraising events Sept.15 to Nov.1.
   ”We are in a silent phase right now. We will share more with the public. We think it will be a wonderful thing for them (the whole community,)” said Marilynn Mullen, director of the library.
   The library board has public meetings the second Thursday of every month, and officials encouraged anyone with questions and concerns to attend the meetings.